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Let’s make some dosh!

We all want to make a bit of extra cash, and making money from home, online, is appealing but most online earning is either time consuming for little reward or crazily risky! However there is a way to make a reasonable ongoing second income – several hundred pounds a month, risk free – it’s easy enough to do, and there are online guides and tutorials to help you – it’s called match betting – it’s where you bet on all outcomes of an event, so you cover your losses, and (this is the good bit) by using free bets from bookmakers, we can make a real, tax free profit.  There are over 80 online bookmakers in the UK, all offering sign offers that can be profited from – for each free £10 bet, you can net around £7.50 profit or more, and some bookmakers offer signup offers worth £100.  There are two sites that offer training and take you through the various ways of making money, the one I am using is Profit Accumulator

Short lesson in Economics

Confused by economics? Don’t be! Politicians say economics so complex a subject that us plebs cannot understand it, they are wrong, what they really mean is that they don’t want us to understand it!

I found this article by Christopher StoneWe do the work. Someone else takes the wealth, which I think explains economics in a very readable, easy to understand way and highlights the smokescreen of ‘modern monetarism’ which obscures the processes by which few are accumulating obscene amounts of wealth. It reminds us of where wealth comes from, namely, us workers

The Sunday telly has me ranting these days…whether it the Andrew Marr show of Sunday Morning Live. SML got me going this morning..”should failed bosses get big pay-offs?” No, aabsolutely not and surely it’s a no-brainer? If you or I f*ck up at work do we get a golden handshake? Of course not, we get sacked and get the minimum due. Why should these fat cats, on hundred’s of thousand £ salaries, get anything at all? They take a whacking great salary to do a job why on earth should the get a pay-off when they fail? Those trying to justify it are so out of touch with the real world it’s unbelievable! The gap between those at the top and those at the bottom has increased exponentially of the last decade and those at the bottom have seen their salaries become worth less and less – the increasing inequality is socially unhealthy, how these commentards can say otherwise it beyond me!!